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To promote good governance, credible, transparent, inclusive, responsible and responsive accountable leadership at all levels. 


Ensure and Maintain peaceful co-existence and mutual accommodation among citizens in all our communities through collective and participatory effort.


Community development and humanitarian services, peace building and Conflict Resolution Mechanisms.


Excellence, Integrity and Empathy.

Grassroots Development and Peace Initiative is a Pan- Nigeria Civil Society Organization established since 2010 but finally and officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in 2018. We are grassroots development driven; committed to peace building, conflict resolution mechanism, strengthening democratic values, promotion of good governance through performance awareness creation and campaign for peaceful mutual co-habitation, etc in Nigeria. We are also committed to ensuring that a beautiful brand of democracy that respect the constitutional rights of citizens become a national ethos that must be pursued with vigour.


Our organization is in collaboration with the Economic Community of West African State (ECOWAS), Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Nigeria, State Independent Electoral Commission (ISECs), Network of Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria, and other National and International Organizations on Community Development and Humanitarian Services, Democracy/Election Assistance, Observation and Management, Good Governance and Peace Building, etc.

Grassroot Development and Peace Initiative has well experienced, exposed and qualified Management Team that is being led by the Chairman of the organization Comrade Kalu Victor Onyedikachi and five other professional Heads of Department – HODs:

  1. HOD – Community Services/Development, 
  2. HOD – Democracy, Good Governance/Electoral Matters, 
  3. HOD – Youths & Gender Unit, 
  4. HOD – Administration, Finance & Budget Unit, 
  5. HOD – Research, Training & Development Unit). 

In addition to the above Management Team, the organization also has Directorates in each of the Departments to aid activities of such department.

Members of the Board of Trustees of


  1. Comrade KaluVictor Onyedikachi Chairman/CEO 

(Democracy, Good Governance   Election Management Expert)

  1. Dr. Ijewa Obioma Zebulun Secretary General and 

HOD – Admin, Finance and Budget Unit

  1. Alh. Grema Alhaji  Kyari. HOD – Community Development

And Humanitarian Services.

  1. Mrs. Oluchukwu Mary Ubachukwu HOD Youth & Gender Unit
  2. Mrs. Rose Iro Ukaha HOD – Research, Training & 

      Development Unit).


They are composed of:

  1. Comrade Victor Onyedikachi Kalu– He holds a Bachelor Degree on Public Administration. He is the Chairman/Chief Executive of the Organization. He is also the National Coordinator Network of Civil Society Organization in Nigeria – NETCSON (a Coalition of registered Civil Society Organizations in Nigeria committed to promote Good Governance, Democracy, Peaceful Co-existence and Conflict Resolution Mechanism etc in Nigeria. Kalu Victor Onyedikachi has good experience on Democracy, Good Governance and Elections, especially Election management, conduct and Observations having been part of several ECOWAS Election Observation Missions (EOMs). He has also led a team of both Long and Short Term Election Observers at different missions both in Nigeria under INEC and in the West Africa Sub-region under ECOWAS missions. He has also attended many Trainings on Democracy, Good Governance, Elections, Voluntary Services, peace building and Conflict Management/Resolutions both in Nigeria and outside the shores of Nigeria including the Kofi Annan International Peace Training Centre (KAIPTC) – Accra Ghana, etc equipping himself enough as a good Civic Educator on Electoral Matter, Democracy, citizens’ participation in Governance, etc. Kalu Victor Onyedikachi understands and speaks very fluently English and Igbo language with moderate understanding and good communication skill in French and Hausa Language respectively.
  1. Dr. Ijewa Obioma Zebulun – Dr. Zeb is a seasoned and professional journalist per excellence. He is the Secretary of the Organization and also the HOD; Administration, Finance and Budget unit.
  1. Grema Alhaji Kyari – He is an Educator with exposure and experience on Democracy, Good Governance and Conflict Resolution Mechanism. He has double Honour Degree in English language, Education in Borno State University, Maiduguri (B.A.B Edu) and Master in Philosophy with a clear understanding of citizen participation in governance. Grema Alhaji Kyari is the current Secretary of Bama Development Foundation, Bama Local Government Area in Borno State. A foundation that has the mandate of reconstructing, restructuring and repositioning the entire Bama Local Government after it was recaptured from the deadly Boko Haram Terrorist group by the Nigeria Army. He is the HOD Community Services and Development of our Organization.
  1. Mrs. Oluchukwu Mary Ubachukwu – HOD YOUTHS AND GENDER; Mrs Oluchukwu Mary has a Bachelor Degree in Education with over seven active years of working experience in capacity building, Gender inclusiveness and protection for the vulnerable, etc. she is actively, effectively and efficiently handling the affairs of this development with satisfaction.  
  1. Barr. Adams Ochuagu (B.A. & M.A. English Language LL.B) is the organization’s LEGAL ADVISER with exposure and experienced in legal and Local Government Administration for sustainable development. Barr Adams is our programme Administrator because of his verse experience in workshop training similar for Government at State and National level in Abia, Imo, Plateau, Delta, Kaduna state respectively and having served in various capacities with Local Government and Federal Ministries.

Working committees

  1. Committee on Mobilization and Contacts
  2. Committee on Media and Publicity
  3. Committee on Finance, Logistics and Fund Raising
  4. Committee on Strategies, Planning and Implementation Monitoring 
  5. Committee on INEC, Electro-engineering 
  6. Committee on Voters Welfare and Empowerment Scheme
  7. Committee on Intelligence and Security 
  8. Committee on Africans in Diaspora/International Relations
  9. Committee on Government and Private sectors cooperation 
  10. Committee on inter-political parties and interest groups.

We also have state Coordinators across the Country, coordinating the activities of the Organization in their various states. 


For large geo-political coverage and effective voters mobilization, sensitization and education; Grassroot Development and Peace Initiative has a pet project called VOTERS FORUM OF NIGERIA (VOFON) which is in twenty six (26) States of Nigeria. In some zones like South-South, South-East, North-Central we have total coverage in all the state capitals and their Local Government Areas.


Grassroot Development and Peace Initiative and Voters Forum of Nigeria (VOFON) has at various times organized sensitization workshop especially during the buildup of the 2015 General Elections and also participated fully during the 2019 and 2023 Nigeria General elections, organizing workshops, trainings and seminars, etc like:

  1. Curbing election violence, Issues, challenges and the way forward
  2. Voters Education, Mobilization and Sensitization; a collective responsibility 
  3. Building a virile Democratic Institute in Nigeria, Issue challenges and prospects. Etc 

Today, Voters Forum of Nigeria (VOFON) is a household name in Nigeria as both local and foreign organizations including the Election Management Body (EMB) partners with it for adequate voter education especially in rural areas. 

We have also organized some capacity building workshops for rural women in three states of Abia, Kogi and Imo.

Grassroot Development and Peace Initiative have also successful observed all the Nigeria elections both local and National since 2010 till date after being accredited by the Independent National Electoral Commission, (INEC), State Independ Electoral Commissions (SIECs) We have also observed many West African Countries’ election as a member of ECOWAS Election Observation Mission since 2011 till date.

VOTERS FORUM OF NIGERIA (VOFON) a programme of the Grassroot Development and Peace Initiative focuses on seven major objectives.

  1. To organize and mobilize Voters into one formidable group for collective opinion via Seminars workshop, symposium and conference 
  2. To enhance effective voters education and sensitization on voters right
  3. To change voters mindsets that their votes never count
  4. To re-build voters’ confidence on electoral process and the electoral body 
  5. To solicit and mobilize for populace participation of voters in elections and ensure that their votes count if massively participated 
  6. To educate voters on electoral process and on mandate protection activities (that is votes policing mechanism)
  7. To train mandate watchers in various communities to ensure that their vote are not manipulated by some dubious INEC staff and politicians
  8. To sensitize, mobilize and canvass for voter participation in Governance. Etc.



The Vision of VOFON/GDPI is centered on enhancing Nation building through encouraging local and foreign support for local community development and credible electoral process aimed at drastic reduction of widespread political abuse that has overshadowed civil governance in Nigeria and Africa at large. The vices have impacted negatively on government and private institutions and such have hindered socio-political stability and economic development of Africa in general and Nigeria in particular.


  1. To educate the leadership of various communities in Nigeria on the dangers of electoral malpractices and fraud.
  2. To change the attitudinal orientation and perception of grass root leadership and the electorates towards the electoral process

iii. To engender the realization of collective political aspiration of our communities on the integrated vision of enduring democratic values detached from the dictates of poverty and its socio-deficiencies or inadequacies.

  1. To educate citizens especially in rural communities on Government policies, programmes and activities and need for participatory efforts for rapid community development.
  2. To promote and canvass for gender protection and equity governance, etc. 


To build a culture of integrity, as a basis of credible leadership; and as a fulcrum on which our maturing democracy would berth on, by changing the attitudinal orientation and perception of grassroots electorates, through a voting culture that is averse or devoid of malpractices, irregularities (emphasized)


Humanitarian programme can only be sustained under stable democratic environment; hence GDPI is committed to strengthen/stabilize Democracy through its democratic programmes with the aim of ensuring:

  1. That our hard-earned democracy is sustained
  2. That National unity, peace, democratic order and political stability for the nation irrespective of tribe, religion and geo-political zoning become a national ethos 

iii. That only credible characters and selfless politicians govern Nigeria

  1. That various frustrating electoral malpractices, democratic abuses and ridicule and endless postponement of cases at electoral tribunals are abolished 

These objectives translate into the following lines of VOFON/GDPI activities which include:

  1. Civic Voter Education Programme
  2. Training of Journalists for adequate and proper reportage 
  3. Training of Local Election Monitoring/Observer Teams
  4. Mobilization of the Civil Society to demand good governance through mandate protection activities and voters rights enforcement 
  5. The creation of transparent political environment through public orientation, awareness and enlightenment programmes 
  6. Building credible electoral process through elimination of electoral malpractices, manipulations, thuggery to ensure election of credible leaders capable of providing sustainable development.

To achieve these aims and objectives, the organization has embarked on the following:

  1. Complimenting the efforts of INEC on Voter Education at the grassroots since INEC cannot do it all alone.
  2. Mobilization of Electorates to reverse their biased mind and loss of confidence on INEC and the electoral system while standing erect as watch-dog over INEC to alert the public of any electoral malpractices.
  3. Work with eminent personalities, pressure/interest groups and associations to ensure the absence of electoral malpractices, political thuggery or disorder that may lead to chaos.


INEC accredited observer (STO) Nigeria General elections, 2007

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Liberia, 2011.

INEC accredited Observer (LTO) Nigeria General Elections 2011.

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Mali, 2013

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Guinea Bissau, 2014

INEC accredited (LTO) Nigeria General Elections, 2015.

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Niger Republic,2016

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Senegal, 2019

INEC accredited Observer (LTO) Nigeria General Elections 2019.

Training of Trainers (T&T) Observers, Political Party Agents, Journalists, etc.  Ahead of Nigeria General Elections, 2915 and 2019 respectively.

Member; Election observation/Monitoring Reform Committee. Nigeria

 Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Guinea, 2020

Member ECOWAS Election Observation Mission to Sierra Leone, 2023

All other INEC conducted Bye and Re-run Elections and activities till date. 


INEC/UNDP Training on Election observation, etc. 2010

Election Observation Training Course; KAIPTC Accra- Ghana. 2016.

Concern for a New Nigeria Leadership Training  Course, Abuja, Nigeria 2018

The Electoral Institute (TEI) Serial Lectures on different Political, Democratic, Leadership  and Constitutional Topics.

Pals and Patterns Training on Political Party Monitoring, campaign and financing, etc.

IFES/INEC Strategic Action Plan and Roadmap to 2019 Nigeria General Elections; Stakeholders workshop/Training. Etc.

Federal Inland Revenue Commission/CSO financial And Tax management Awareness Training Workshop, 2021.


VOFON/GDPI is currently seeking for collaboration with Nigerians and indeed Africans at home and in Diaspora to bring about the realization of this glorious dream through the promotion of democratic ideals of credible leadership, Credible Elections and Good Governance for sustainable development.


  1. We have already established existing Human structures in about 22 States of the Federation in over 187 communities. We have our presence especially in the Southern part of the country and 25% coverage in the Northern States.
  2. the Organization is currently putting finishing touches to a nation-wide Voter Post Election (Review of the Election/Campaign Promises after one year) programme with possible collaboration with the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) and other relevant Civil Society Organizations.


The Organization has financial challenges because she generates her fund through members’ registrations, donation, contributions and levies, the outcome of which is always too small to enable adequate funding of programmes and activities. Hence we require logistics support in terms to further pursue our visions in the following areas:

  1. Strong vehicles to facilitate State Tours and educational campaigns.
  2. Funds to continue and expand our visual and audio jingles in various Nigeria Languages for wider coverage.
  3. Funding of zonal and States Summits/conventions on Voters Right Education and Mobilization 

Indeed, the Organization has a vision and a mission to affect the entire African continent, using Nigeria as the litmus test of its programme. We have a product that is viable and crucial to promoting credible elections, good governance in our country. Unfortunately, we are financially constrained and therefore cannot fully express and actualize the potentials of our vision as rapidly as required.

We are looking up to you in particular and other well-meaning compatriots of your caliber to support, promote and help us actualize this glorious dream of our organization for a greater, stable democratic progressive Nigeria of 21st Century which will be a shining example and beacon of hope for Africa and the black race.


Comrade Kalu Victor Onyedikachi


Dr. Zebulon Ijewa, Secretary, BOT

Dr. Ijewa Obioma Zebulun

Secretary General and HOD – Admin, Finance and Budget Unit


Alh. Grema Alhaji Kyari.

HOD – Community Development And Humanitarian Services.

Mrs. Oluchukwu Mary Ubachukwu

HOD Youth & Gender Unit

Mrs. Rose Iro Ukaha

HOD - Research, Training & Development Unit).

Mrs. Mary Martin, Member, BoT

Mrs. Mary Martin,

Member, BoT


Blessing Solomon

Nasarawa State Coordinator

Comrade Matthew Itodo, Plateau State Coordinator

Comrade Matthew Itodo

Plateau State Coordinator

Comrade Jacob Nwigwe, Benue state coordinator

Comrade Jacob Nwigwe

Benue state coordinator

Mr. Ndukwe Elendu, Abia State Coordinator

Mr. Ndukwe Elendu

MAbia State Coordinator


Comrade Friday Emeh

North Central Coordinator

Mr. Adedayo Rufus, South West Coordinator

Mr. Adedayo Rufus

South West Coordinator

Barr. Muhammad Kura, Niger State Coordinator

Barr. Muhammad Kura

Niger State Coordinator

Engr. Simon Diogu, South East Coordinato

Engr. Simon Diogu

South East Coordinato

Our Goal

Building Better Electoral Processes

Building credible electoral process through elimination of electoral malpractices, manipulations, thuggery to ensure election of credible leaders capable of providing sustainable development